Scalable learning for organizations of every size

Enterprise Plan

For your whole organization

More than 20 people

Contact sales for pricing
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  • Access to 26,000+ top courses
  • Certification prep for 200+ exams
  • Practice tests and AI-powered coding exercises
  • Goal-focused recommendations and customizable content
  • Advanced analytics and insights
  • International course collections
  • Dedicated customer success team
  • Assessments, workspaces, labs, and pre-built learning paths with add-on

Team Plan

For your team

2-20 people

14,000 per license per year

Billed annually.

Sign up
  • Access to 11,000+ top courses
  • Certification prep for 200+ exams
  • Practice tests and AI-powered coding exercises
  • Goal-focused recommendations
  • Analytics and adoption reports

Leadership Academy

For your developing leaders

Groups of 25 or more

Contact sales for pricing
Contact sales
  • Expert-led leadership training
  • Research-based content curation
  • Applied learning, tool kits, and group coaching
  • Asynchronous learning with collaborative discussions
  • Live virtual events
  • AI-powered analytics and insights

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